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"Mirela Kajkut Zeljković"
Achievements in the conservation of genetic resources of fruits and vines in the Republic of Srpska. (2016-09)
Đurić Gordana, Stanivuković Sanda, Kajkut Mirela, Cvetković-Jovanović Tatjana, Delić Duška, Lolić Biljana, Antić Marina, Mićić Nikola, Achievements in the conservation of genetic resources of fruits and vines in the Republic of Srpska., pp. 38 - 39, Sep, 2016 -
In vitro konzervacija prinova krompira (Solanum tuberosum L.) u Banci gena Republike Srpske / In vitro Conservation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Accessions in the Gene Bank of Republic of Srpska (2015-09)
M. Kajkut Zeljković, D. Kondić, G. Đurić, In vitro konzervacija prinova krompira (Solanum tuberosum L.) u Banci gena Republike Srpske / In vitro Conservation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Accessions in the Gene Bank of Republic of Srpska, AGROZNANjE, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 301 - 310, Sep, 2015 -
Phenological characteristics and global tree architecture of the pear germplasm from Bosnia and Herzegovina in ex situ conditions (2019)
M. Kajkut Zeljković, S. Ivanovska, G. Đurić, Phenological characteristics and global tree architecture of the pear germplasm from Bosnia and Herzegovina in ex situ conditions, Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (Online), Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 83 - 91, 2019 -
Diversity assessment of wild cherry germplasm by using RAPD markers (2020)
M. Antić, M. Kajkut Zeljković, G. Đurić, Diversity assessment of wild cherry germplasm by using RAPD markers, BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 404 - 408, 2020 -
Morphological characterisation of leaf of indigenous apple varieties (2017-02)
M. Kajkut Zeljković, G. Đurić, J. Davidović, Morphological characterisation of leaf of indigenous apple varieties, Book of Abstracts, Feb, 2017 -
Mirela Kajkut Zeljković, Gordana Đurić, Sanda Stanivuković, Jelena Davidović Gidas, MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF LEAF OF INDIGENOUS APPLE VARIETIES, Book of Abstracts, Mar, 2017 -
Preliminary Identification of Pear Accessions of Lubenicarka Group using RAPD Markers (2015-06)
M. Kajkut, G. Đurić, N. Mićić, Preliminary Identification of Pear Accessions of Lubenicarka Group using RAPD Markers, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, Vol. 80, No. 3, pp. 134 - 138, Jun, 2015 -
Monitioring of double stranded DNA destruction in Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. leaf during different temperature and time of storage (2009)
M. Kajkut, L. Tomić, B. Javornik, Monitioring of double stranded DNA destruction in Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. leaf during different temperature and time of storage, Abstract book, pp. 122 - 123, 2009 -
Lenticela kao pomološka karakteristika ploda kruške (2012)
G. Đurić, B. Pašalić, M. Kajkut, Lenticela kao pomološka karakteristika ploda kruške, Zbornik sažetaka, 2012 -
Using molecular markers for germplasm identification in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-03)
M. Kajkut, G. Đurić, Using molecular markers for germplasm identification in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Abstract, COST Action, FA1104 "Sustainable production og high-quality cherries for European market, WG 1 meeting "Use molecular Markers for Diversity Studies, Mar, 2014 -
Konzervacija prinova kruške (Pyrus communis L.) u in vitro uslovima (2015-05)
M. Kajkut, N. Mićić, Konzervacija prinova kruške (Pyrus communis L.) u in vitro uslovima, Zbornik sažetaka, III Međunarodni dan očaranosti biljkama i I naučni simpozijum "Očuvanje genetičkih resursa", pp. 26 - 27, May, 2015 -
Uticaj hranjivog medijuma na rast i razvoj eksplantata engleske pelargonije (Pelargonium grandiflorum L.) u in vitro uslovima (2025-02-04T09:11:08.963Z)
The presence of Bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni in the Republic of Srpska (2024-06)
B. Lolić, S. Tepic, M. Kajkut, The presence of Bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni in the Republic of Srpska, Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (Online), Vol. 78, No. 1, pp. 87 - 92, Jun, 2024 -
Diverzitet biljnih genetičkih resursa opštine Srbac i modeli njihovog očuvanja (2022-12-09T07:34:04.444Z)
Analysis of the state of Bosnian Mountain Horse in stud farm Borike (2018)
Z. Maletić, M. Stojanović, N. Ćirković, M. Antić, M. Kajkut Zeljković, Analysis of the state of Bosnian Mountain Horse in stud farm Borike, AGROZNANjE, Vol. 1, pp. 1 - 7, 2018 -
Detection of viruses presence in fruit collection in Gene Bank in Republic of Srpska (2015-03)
G. Đurić, B. Lolić, M. Kajkut, D. Delić, M. Koprivica, M. Radulović, P. Nikolić, N. Mićić, Ž. Erić, Detection of viruses presence in fruit collection in Gene Bank in Republic of Srpska, Mar, 2015 -
Screening for the economic important viruses of beans accessions in collection in Gene Bank in Republic of Srpska (2017-02)
B. Lolić, D. Delić, M. Radulović, M. Kajkut, M. Antić, V. Todorović, G. Đurić, Screening for the economic important viruses of beans accessions in collection in Gene Bank in Republic of Srpska, pp. 36 - 36, Feb, 2017