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"Rashid Nazmitdinov"
Effect of the magnetic field on electron density distributions in two-electron quantum dots (2019-10)
N. Simonović, R. Nazmitdinov, Effect of the magnetic field on electron density distributions in two-electron quantum dots, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, Vol. 52, No. 435303, pp. 1 - 21, Oct, 2019 -
Semiclassical analysis of a two-electron quantum dot in a magnetic field: Dimensional phenomena (2002-03)
R. G. Nazmitdinov, N. S. Simonović, Jan M. Rost, Semiclassical analysis of a two-electron quantum dot in a magnetic field: Dimensional phenomena, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 65, No. 15, pp. 155307-1 - 155307-7, Mar, 2002 -
Hidden symmetries of two-electron quantum dots in a magnetic field (2003-01)
N. S. Simonović, R. G. Nazmitdinov, Hidden symmetries of two-electron quantum dots in a magnetic field, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 041305(R)-1 - 041305(R)-4, Jan, 2003 -
Finite-thickness effects in ground-state transitions of two-electron quantum dots (2007-11)
R. G. Nazmitdinov, N. S. Simonović, Finite-thickness effects in ground-state transitions of two-electron quantum dots, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 76, No. 19, pp. 193306-1 - 193306-4, Nov, 2007 -
Dimensionality efiects in vertical two-electron quantum dots in a perpendicular magnetic field (2008)
R. G. Nazmitdinov, N. S. Simonović, Dimensionality efiects in vertical two-electron quantum dots in a perpendicular magnetic field, Journal of physics. Conference series (Print), Vol. 129, pp. 012014-1 - 012014-8, 2008 -
Dynamical screening of the Coulomb interaction for two confined electrons in a magnetic field (2008-09)
N. S. Simonović, R. G. Nazmitdinov, Dynamical screening of the Coulomb interaction for two confined electrons in a magnetic field, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp. 032115-1 - 032115-10, Sep, 2008 -
Shape transitions in excited states of two-electron quantum dots in a magnetic field (2012)
R. G. Nazmitdinov, N. S. Simonović, A. R. Plastino, A. V. Chizhov, Shape transitions in excited states of two-electron quantum dots in a magnetic field, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 45, No. 20, pp. 205503-1 - 205503-4, 2012 -
Entanglement as an Indicator of a Geometrical Crossover in a Two-Electron Quantum Dot in a Magnetic Field (2013)
R. G. Nazmitdinov, N. S. Simonović, Entanglement as an Indicator of a Geometrical Crossover in a Two-Electron Quantum Dot in a Magnetic Field, JETP LETTERS, Vol. 97, No. 4, pp. 199 - 204, 2013 -
A geometrical crossover in excited states of two-electron quantum dots in a magnetic field (2013)
R. G. Nazmitdinov, N. S. Simonović, A. R. Plastino, A. V. Chizhov, A geometrical crossover in excited states of two-electron quantum dots in a magnetic field, Journal of physics. Conference series (Print), Vol. 393, pp. 012009-1 - 012009-8, 2013 -
Magnetic alteration of entanglement in two-electron quantum dots (2015-11)
N. S. Simonović, R. G. Nazmitdinov, Magnetic alteration of entanglement in two-electron quantum dots, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 92, pp. 052332-1 - 052332-19, Nov, 2015