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"S Miljković"
Patients perspectives on drug shortages in six European hospital settings – a cross sectional study (2021-07)
D. Kuruc Poje, D. Kifer, I. Huys, J. Miranda, H. Jenzer, N. Miljković, T. Hoppe-Tichy, M. Bochniarz, R. Frontini, D. Schwartz, V. Vujić-Aleksić, L. Nežić, E. Rinaki, L. Tzimis, T. Green, J. Jovanić, B. Carić, D. Mandić, K. Vilić, T. Bochenek, V. Bačić Vrca, S. Marušić, Patients perspectives on drug shortages in six European hospital settings – a cross sectional study, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, Vol. 21, No. 689, Jul, 2021 -
Concept and utility of population pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models in drug development and clinical practice (2021-08)
M. Roganović, A. Homšek, M. Jovanović, V. Topić Vučenović, M. Ćulafić, B. Miljković, K. Vučićević, Concept and utility of population pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models in drug development and clinical practice, Arhiv za farmaciju, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 336 - 353, Aug, 2021 -
Assessment of Prognostic Markers of Heart Failure Following Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Treated With Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (2022-06)
D. Marjanovic, J. Miljkovic, B. Stanetić, Assessment of Prognostic Markers of Heart Failure Following Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Treated With Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, SCRIPTA MEDICA, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 125 - 129, Jun, 2022 -
Epidemiologija glavobolja u vanrednim uslovima (1998)
Z. Krivokuća, M. Arbutina, V. Karadža, Z. Vukojević, S. Grgić, S. Miljković, Epidemiologija glavobolja u vanrednim uslovima, 1998 -
Glavobolja kao jedini simptom kod bolesnika oboljelog od subarahnoidalnog krvavljenja (SAH) (1998)
V. Đajić, M. Kovačević, M. Arbutina, D. Ećim, S. Grgić, S. Miljković, S. Pešić-Popović, Glavobolja kao jedini simptom kod bolesnika oboljelog od subarahnoidalnog krvavljenja (SAH), 1998 -
Johanson Blizzard sindrom (2010)
S. Petrović-Tepić, J. Predojević-Samardžić, B. Suzić, V. Miljković, A. Serdar, V. Novaković, Johanson Blizzard sindrom, 2010 -
Kasne posljedice liječenja malignih tumora u djetinjstvu (2010-10)
J. Predojević-Samardžić, S. Petrović-Tepić, A. Serdar, V. Mirošljević, S. Bajić, V. Miljković, Kasne posljedice liječenja malignih tumora u djetinjstvu, pp. 59 - 59, Oct, 2010 -
. Primarna hipomagnezijemija sa hipokalcemijom – prikaz slučaja (2015-11)
LJ. Solomun, D. Jojić, S. Petrović-Tepić, V. Miljković, N. Marić, V. Bobić, . Primarna hipomagnezijemija sa hipokalcemijom – prikaz slučaja, Nov, 2015 -
Dehidratacija i rehidratacija kod djece sa febrilnim stanjem u SHMP JZU DZ Banja Luka u prvom trimestru 2015 (2016)
M. Stojanović, N. Banjac, S. Kozomara, S. Vujičić, A. Stupar, R. Hadžić, S. Miljković, J. Kesić-Tešanović, D. Malešević, Dehidratacija i rehidratacija kod djece sa febrilnim stanjem u SHMP JZU DZ Banja Luka u prvom trimestru 2015, pp. 74 - 75, 2016 -
Nonlinear mixed effects modelling approach for investigation of 131I in patients with benign thyroid disease (2017)
V. Topić Vučenović, k. vučičević, z. rajkovača, d. stanimirović, D. Jelić, g. vuleta, b. miljković, Nonlinear mixed effects modelling approach for investigation of 131I in patients with benign thyroid disease, 2017 -
Nonlinear mixed effects modelling approach for investigation of 131I kinetics in patients with benign thyroid disease (2017-06)
V. Topić Vučenović, K. Vučićević, Z. Rajkovača, D. Stanimirović, G. Vuleta, D. Jelić, B. Miljković, Nonlinear mixed effects modelling approach for investigation of 131I kinetics in patients with benign thyroid disease, Jun, 2017 -
Investigation of influence of anti-thyroid drug discontinuation time on 131I biokinetics in patients with benign thyroid disease (2017-10)
V. Topić, K. Vučićević, Z. Rajkovača, D. Stanimirović, G. Vuleta, D. Jelić, B. Miljković, Investigation of influence of anti-thyroid drug discontinuation time on 131I biokinetics in patients with benign thyroid disease, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2017; 44 (Suppl 2), pp. S809 - S809, Oct, 2017 -
Investigation of the influence of functional thyroide volumen on the probability of 131 I therapy outcome in patients with benign thyroide disease (2018)
V. Topić Vučenović, D. Jelić, Z. Rajkovača, S. Miljković, K. Vučićević, Investigation of the influence of functional thyroide volumen on the probability of 131 I therapy outcome in patients with benign thyroide disease, 2018 -
Prediction of the radioiodine therapy outcomes in patients with benign thyroid disease based on pre-therapeutic dosimetry (2018-09)
V. Topić Vučenović, D. Jelić, Z. Rajkovača, B. Miljković, K. Vučićević, Prediction of the radioiodine therapy outcomes in patients with benign thyroid disease based on pre-therapeutic dosimetry, Kongres nuklearne medicine Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem 2018, Program i zbornik sažetaka, pp. 135 - 135, Sep, 2018 -
Evidence of increasing incidence of type 1 diabetes and ketoacidosis among children in the Republic of Srpska in period 2017–2022 with special focus on COVID-19 global pandemic years (2023-09)
G. Bukara-Radujković, O. Ljuboja, V. Miljković, Evidence of increasing incidence of type 1 diabetes and ketoacidosis among children in the Republic of Srpska in period 2017–2022 with special focus on COVID-19 global pandemic years, Frontiers in public health, Vol. 11, pp. 1 - 7, Sep, 2023 -
Integrating Clopidogrel's First-Pass Effect in a Joint Semi-Physiological Population Pharmacokinetic Model of the Drug and Its Inactive Carboxylic Acid Metabolite (2024-05)
Z. Pejčić, V. Topić Vučenović, B. Miljković, K. Vučićević, Integrating Clopidogrel's First-Pass Effect in a Joint Semi-Physiological Population Pharmacokinetic Model of the Drug and Its Inactive Carboxylic Acid Metabolite, PHARMACEUTICS, May, 2024 -
Review of lists and recommendations for interchangeability of medicines across selected European countries (2024-08)
Z. Pejčić, V. Topić Vučenović, B. Miljković, K. Vučićević, Review of lists and recommendations for interchangeability of medicines across selected European countries, Arhiv za farmaciju, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 540 - 555, Aug, 2024 -
Cerebrovaskularne bolesti (2009)
S. Grebeldinger, P. Slankamenac, S. Miljković, Cerebrovaskularne bolesti, Medicinski fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2009 -
Hronične nezarazne bolesti: prevencija i kontrola (2011)
D. Vulić, N. Babić, M. Burgić-Radmanović, Z. Gojković, B. Jakovljević, M. Kvaternik, B. Lakić, A. Lazarević, S. Miljković, S. Popović-Pejičić, D. Račić, S. Sibinčić, M. Stanetić, D. Stojisavljević, M. Šobot, Lj. Šormaz, I. Tasić, Z. Vujković, Hronične nezarazne bolesti: prevencija i kontrola, Univerzitet u Banjaluci, Medicinski fakultet, 2011 -
Prevencija i kontrola cerebrovaskularnih bolesti (2011)
Z. Vujković, D. Račić, S. Miljković, Prevencija i kontrola cerebrovaskularnih bolesti, Medicinski fakultet Banjaluka, 2011