Compatibility of Legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina with EU Law in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights as a Subject of Foreign Direct Investment
Compatibility of Legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina with EU Law in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights as a Subject of Foreign Direct Investment
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Bibliografski citat
Nj. Jović, Compatibility of Legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina with EU Law in the Field of Intellectual Property Rights as a Subject of Foreign Direct Investment, Conference proceedings of the 1st EU Business Law Forum - The Influence and Effects of EU Business Law in the Western Balkans, Széchenyi István University, pp. 87 - 104, 2018
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1st EU Business Law Forum - The Influence and Effects of EU Business Law in the Western Balkans
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Conference proceedings of the 1st EU Business Law Forum - The Influence and Effects of EU Business Law in the Western Balkans, Széchenyi István University
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