The Prognostic Value of Coronary Flow Reserve in Patients With Angiographically-Assessed Intermediate Left Anterior Descending Artery Diameter Stenosis in A Country With Low Gross Domestic Product
The Prognostic Value of Coronary Flow Reserve in Patients With Angiographically-Assessed Intermediate Left Anterior Descending Artery Diameter Stenosis in A Country With Low Gross Domestic Product
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Bibliografski citat
T. Kovačević-Preradović, B. Stanetić, A. Đorđević-Dikić, M. Ostojić, The Prognostic Value of Coronary Flow Reserve in Patients With Angiographically-Assessed Intermediate Left Anterior Descending Artery Diameter Stenosis in A Country With Low Gross Domestic Product, GHEART Vol 11/2S/2016:e165., 2016
Svjetski kongres kardiologa 2016.
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GHEART Vol 11/2S/2016:e165.
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