Natural regeneration in fire-affected pure stand of Pinus nigra Arn. in the area of Trebinje
Natural regeneration in fire-affected pure stand of Pinus nigra Arn. in the area of Trebinje
Pronađite slične unoseConference Paper
Pronađite slične unose2015-05
Bibliografski citat
Z. Govedar, S. Keren, D. Petković, Natural regeneration in fire-affected pure stand of Pinus nigra Arn. in the area of Trebinje, Book of Abstracts: FORESTRY: BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE 90 Years Higher Forestry Education in Bulgaria, May, 2015
Početna stranica
Interanational Scientific Conference - „Forestry: Bridge to the Future“. 90 Years Higher Forestry Education in Bulgaria
Je dio
Book of Abstracts: FORESTRY: BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE 90 Years Higher Forestry Education in Bulgaria
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