Phytocoenological characteristics of the forests from the class Quercetea pubescentis in the continental Western Balkans (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia)
Phytocoenological characteristics of the forests from the class Quercetea pubescentis in the continental Western Balkans (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia)
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Bibliografski citat
V. Stupar, A. Čarni, Ž. Škvorc, J. Brujić, Phytocoenological characteristics of the forests from the class Quercetea pubescentis in the continental Western Balkans (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia), 23rd International Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, Ljubljana, 8-12 May 2014 – Book of Abstracts, 2014
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23rd International Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, Ljubljana, 8-12 May 2014
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23rd International Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, Ljubljana, 8-12 May 2014 – Book of Abstracts
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