Physical therapy in the treatment of the osttraumatic elbow contractures in children and adult: assessment by Mayo clinic performance index.


Physical therapy in the treatment of the osttraumatic elbow contractures in children and adult: assessment by Mayo clinic performance index.





Bibliografski citat

S. Jandrić, V. Šolaja, Physical therapy in the treatment of the osttraumatic elbow contractures in children and adult: assessment by Mayo clinic performance index., Abstracts. ISPRM, 4th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, June 10-14, COEX, Seul, Korea, 2007, pp. 261 - 262, Jun, 2007

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4th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, June 10-14, COEX, Seul, Korea, 2007:

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Abstracts. ISPRM, 4th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, June 10-14, COEX, Seul, Korea, 2007

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