Variation in the prices of oncology medicines across Europe and the implications for the future


Variation in the prices of oncology medicines across Europe and the implications for the future





Bibliografski citat

B. Godman, S. Simoens, A. Kurdi, G. Selke, J. Yfantopoulos, A. hill, J. Gulbinovic, A. Martin, A. Timoney, D. Gotham, J. Wale, T. Bochenek, I. Selke Krulichova, E. Allocati, I. Hoxha, A. Malaj, C. Hierlander, A. Nachtnebel, W. Hamelinck, Z. Mitkova, G. Petrova, O. Laius, C. Sermet, I. Langer, R. Joppi, A. Jakupi, E. Poplavski, I. Greičiute-Kuprijanov, P. Vella Bonanno, H. Piepenbrink, V. de Valk, R. Plisko, M. Wladysiuk, V. Marković Peković, I. Mardare, T. Novakovic, M. Parker, J. Furst, D. Tomek, K. Banasova, M. Obach Cortadellas, C. Zara, C. Pontes, M. Juhasz-Haverinen, P. Skiold, S. McTaggart, D. Wong-Rieger, S. Campbell, R. Hill, Variation in the prices of oncology medicines across Europe and the implications for the future, Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 72 - 82, Feb, 2021


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