Pilot Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of a Patient Questionnaire for the Purpose of Investigating the Extent of Purchasing Antibiotics without a Prescription in a Rural Province in South Africa: Rationale and Implications
Pilot Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of a Patient Questionnaire for the Purpose of Investigating the Extent of Purchasing Antibiotics without a Prescription in a Rural Province in South Africa: Rationale and Implications
Pronađite slične unoseAcademic Article
Pronađite slične unose2024-03
Bibliografski citat
T. Milta Sono, M. Maluleka, N. Ramdas, A. Golić, S. Campbell, V. Marković Peković, N. Schellack, S. Kumar, B. Godman, J. Meyer, Pilot Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of a Patient Questionnaire for the Purpose of Investigating the Extent of Purchasing Antibiotics without a Prescription in a Rural Province in South Africa: Rationale and Implications, Advances in Human Biology, Vol. 2, No. 14, pp. 138 - 147, Mar, 2024
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Advances in Human Biology
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