Analysis of the photoelectron energy spectra at resonant two-photon ionization of hydrogen atom by intense short laser pulses
Analysis of the photoelectron energy spectra at resonant two-photon ionization of hydrogen atom by intense short laser pulses
Pronađite slične unoseConference Paper
Bibliografski citat
N. S. Simonović, D. B. Popović, A. Bunjac, Analysis of the photoelectron energy spectra at resonant two-photon ionization of hydrogen atom by intense short laser pulses, Proc. 16th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-86-82441-62-5, 2023
16th Photonics Workshop
Je dio
Proc. 16th Photonics Workshop, Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-86-82441-62-5
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Position: 137627 (12 views)