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"Emir Džomba"
Selenuim concentration in soil, plant, blood and wool of the sheep in eastern Slavonia and upland area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004-06)
Z. Štajner, S. Muratović, E. Džomba, M. Domaćinović, S. Čengić, M. Vegara, Z. Štajner, M. Šperanda, L. Saračević, M. Drinić, Selenuim concentration in soil, plant, blood and wool of the sheep in eastern Slavonia and upland area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jun, 2004 -
The influence of different combinations of flaxseed or a combination of flax cake and flaxseed oil in the diet of laying hens on feed consumption (2023)
J. Perić, B. Važić, B. Petrujkić, E. Džomba, B. Rogić, The influence of different combinations of flaxseed or a combination of flax cake and flaxseed oil in the diet of laying hens on feed consumption, Zbornik sažetaka, pp. 80 - 81, 2023 -
Efekat različitih izvora selena na njegov sadržaj u krvi i mlijeku kod krava u laktaciji (2019-04-23T13:40:47.272Z)
Obogaćivanje konzumnih jaja omega-3 masnim kiselinama korišćenjem lanenog zrna, lanene pogače i lanenog ulja u ishrani kokoši nosilja (2023)