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"Evica Dinčić"
The prevalence of pain in adults with multiple sclerosis:sectional survey (2015-08)
J. Drulovic, V. Basic Kes, S. Grgic, S. Vojinovic, E. Dincic, G. Toncev, M.G. Kezic, D. Kisic Tepavcevic, I. Dujmovic, S. Mesaros, S. Miletic Drakulic, T. Pekmezovic, The prevalence of pain in adults with multiple sclerosis:sectional survey, PAIN MEDICINE, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 1597 - 1602, Aug, 2015 -
The impact of betaplus program on patient treatment satisfaction with interferon beta-1b in multiple sclerosis: Multicentric cross-selectional survey in the western Balkan countries. (2017)
J. Drulović, M. Čukić, S. Grgić, E. Dinčić, R. Raičević, Č. Nađ, G. Tončev, S. Vojinović, Š. Mesaroš, D. Kisić-Tepavčević, I. Dujmović, D. Tadić, The impact of betaplus program on patient treatment satisfaction with interferon beta-1b in multiple sclerosis: Multicentric cross-selectional survey in the western Balkan countries., STED Journal, No. 11, pp. 56 - 61, 2017