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"N. Pržulj"
Resistance of two-rowed barley to pre-harvest sprouting (1998)
N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, N. Mladenov, Resistance of two-rowed barley to pre-harvest sprouting, pp. 169 - 179, 1998 -
Varietal variation for pre-harvest sprouting in wheat (1998)
N. Mladenov, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, Varietal variation for pre-harvest sprouting in wheat, pp. 137 - 142, 1998 -
Bread making quality of winter wheat grown in semiarid conditions (1998)
N. Mladenov, T. Mišić, N. Pržulj, V. Đurić, N. Hristov, Bread making quality of winter wheat grown in semiarid conditions, pp. 207 - 210, 1998 -
Genetic background of Novi Sad barley cultivars released until 1998. I. Malting barley (1998)
N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, N. Mladenov, Genetic background of Novi Sad barley cultivars released until 1998. I. Malting barley, pp. 279 - 282, 1998 -
Breeding of fodder barley at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad. (1998)
V. Momčilović, N. Pržulj, Breeding of fodder barley at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad., pp. 283 - 285, 1998 -
Testing of Hulless Barley in the Yugoslav Agroecological Conditions (1998)
N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, N. Mladenov, Testing of Hulless Barley in the Yugoslav Agroecological Conditions, pp. 228 - 231, 1998 -
Yugoslav Wheat Cultivars for Healthy Food Production (1998)
N. Mladenov, N. Pržulj, Yugoslav Wheat Cultivars for Healthy Food Production, pp. 222 - 225, 1998 -
Six parameter model analysis of grain filling duration in wheat (1998)
N. Pržulj, N. Mladenov, S. Dencic, M. Kraljević-Balalić, M. Bogdanović, Six parameter model analysis of grain filling duration in wheat, pp. 66 - 68, 1998 -
Relationship between BMQ parameters and yield in wheat (1998)
S. Dencic, N. Pržulj, N. Mladenov, B. Kobiljski, J. Dozet, Relationship between BMQ parameters and yield in wheat, pp. 196 - 198, 1998 -
Genetic and phenotypic correlations in winter wheat quality (1998)
N. Mladenov, S. Dencic, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, V. Đurić, Genetic and phenotypic correlations in winter wheat quality, pp. 211 - 213, 1998 -
Barley tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting (1998)
N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, Barley tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting, pp. 201 - 207, 1998 -
Year effects on wheat seed quality. (1998)
N. Mladenov, T. Mišić, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, Year effects on wheat seed quality., pp. 343 - 349, 1998 -
Resistance of barley to Bipolaris sorociniana (1998)
R. Jevtić, N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, Resistance of barley to Bipolaris sorociniana, pp. 305 - 309, 1998 -
Properties of malting barley seeds in semiaried growing conditions (1999)
N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, N. Mladenov, Properties of malting barley seeds in semiaried growing conditions, pp. 31 - 31, 1999 -
Procena genetičkih efekata za produktivno bokorenje kod jare pšenice (1999)
N. Pržulj, N. Mladenov, M. Bogdanović, Procena genetičkih efekata za produktivno bokorenje kod jare pšenice, pp. 192 - 193, 1999 -
Doprinos genetike u oplemenjivanju strnih žita (1999)
D. Knežević, N. Pržulj, Doprinos genetike u oplemenjivanju strnih žita, pp. 20 - 23, 1999 -
Fenotipska i genotipska povezanost pokazatelja kvaliteta pšenice (1999)
N. Mladenov, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, V. Đurić, Fenotipska i genotipska povezanost pokazatelja kvaliteta pšenice, pp. 176 - 177, 1999 -
Rezultati ispitivanja jare zobi u brdsko-planinskom području Republike Srpske (2000)
M. Bogdanović, N. Pržulj, Rezultati ispitivanja jare zobi u brdsko-planinskom području Republike Srpske, pp. 39 - 40, 2000 -
Effect of cultivar and environment on quality characteristics of winter wheat (2000)
N. Mladenov, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, V. Đurić, Effect of cultivar and environment on quality characteristics of winter wheat, 2000 -
Inheritance of kernel number and kernel weight in spring wheat (2000)
N. Pržulj, N. Mladenov, Inheritance of kernel number and kernel weight in spring wheat, 2000