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"Pero Balotić"
Influece of soil fertility in nurseries on qualitiy of conifers species seedlings (2005)
P. Balotić, V. Isajev, M. Mataruga, Influece of soil fertility in nurseries on qualitiy of conifers species seedlings, Proceedings of Symosium, pp. 59 - 64, 2005 -
Institutional and legal framework in forestry sector of Republic of Srpska (2005-05)
D. Blagojević, M. Mataruga, P. Balotić, Institutional and legal framework in forestry sector of Republic of Srpska, Key-note papers and Abstracts, pp. 160 - 166, May, 2005 -
Anatomic characteristics changeability of sprue (Picea abies Karsten) mother trees and half sibline needles (2006-06)
M. Mataruga, P. Balotić, V. Isajev, V. Daničić, Anatomic characteristics changeability of sprue (Picea abies Karsten) mother trees and half sibline needles, Book of abstracts, Jun, 2006 -
Biodiverzitet tresetišta na Han-Kramu-Osnova za izdvajanje zaštićenog područja (2006-07)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, V. Beus, Č. Burlica, P. Balotić, V. Daničić, Biodiverzitet tresetišta na Han-Kramu-Osnova za izdvajanje zaštićenog područja, proceedings, Jul, 2006 -
Progeny tests of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) in Bosnia and Herzegovina - contribution to the European ex situ conservation, (2010-11)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, Č. Burlica, P. Balotić, B. Cvjetković, Progeny tests of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) in Bosnia and Herzegovina - contribution to the European ex situ conservation,, pp. 378 - 389, Nov, 2010 -
Forest seed and seedling production in Republic of Srpska (Bosnia & Herzegovina) – current status and future development (2012-11)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, P. Balotić, R. Rose, S. Wu, Forest seed and seedling production in Republic of Srpska (Bosnia & Herzegovina) – current status and future development, Proceedings, pp. 621 - 634, Nov, 2012 -
Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in the Republic of Srpska - an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013-10)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlović, G. Đurić, V. Daničić, B. Cvjetković, J. Brujić, P. Balotić, M. Ćopić, Conservation and management of forest genetic resources in the Republic of Srpska - an entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oct, 2013 -
The Program of Forest Genetic Resources Conservation in Republic of Srpska (B&H) - current activities at the Faculty of Forestry University of Banja Luka (2014-09)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, G. Đurić, V. Daničić, J. Brujić, B. Cvjetković, M. Ćopić, P. Balotić, The Program of Forest Genetic Resources Conservation in Republic of Srpska (B&H) - current activities at the Faculty of Forestry University of Banja Luka, Book of apstracts, Sep, 2014 -
Genetic characterization of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014-10)
M. Mataruga, V. Galović, V. Isajev, S. Orlovic, B. Cvjetković, V. Daničić, P. Balotić, Genetic characterization of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of abstracts, Oct, 2014 -
The Correlation of Norway Spruce Traits (Picea abies Karst.) in Nursery Conditions and Later on the Progeny Tests (2018-10)
B. Cvjetković, M. Mataruga, I. Vasilije, P. Balotić, V. Daničić, The Correlation of Norway Spruce Traits (Picea abies Karst.) in Nursery Conditions and Later on the Progeny Tests, Book of abstracts, Oct, 2018 -
Genekološka istraživanja zajednice bijelog bora i maljave breze (Pineto-Betuletum pubescentis Stef.) kod Han Krama na Romaniji (2007)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, V. Beus, Č. Burlica, P. Balotić, V. Daničić, Genekološka istraživanja zajednice bijelog bora i maljave breze (Pineto-Betuletum pubescentis Stef.) kod Han Krama na Romaniji, Šumarski fakultet, Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, 2007 -
Program očuvanja šumskih genetičkih resursa Republike Srpske, 2013—2025. godina (2014)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, S. Orlović, G. Đurić, J. Brujić, V. Daničić, B. Cvjetković, M. Ćopić, P. Balotić, Program očuvanja šumskih genetičkih resursa Republike Srpske, 2013—2025. godina, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede u Vladi Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, 2014 -
Registar šumskih sjemenskih objekata RS - osnova unapređenja sjemenske proizvodnje (2005)
M. Mataruga, V. Isajev, V. Lazarev, P. Balotić, V. Daničić, Registar šumskih sjemenskih objekata RS - osnova unapređenja sjemenske proizvodnje, Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, 2005 -
Morfološke karakteristike sadnica-osnov za procenu kvaliteta (2004)
V. Isajev, M. Mataruga, P. Balotić, Morfološke karakteristike sadnica-osnov za procenu kvaliteta, GLASNIK ŠUMARSKOG FAKULTETA U BANjOJ LUCI , No. 2, pp. 1 - 15, 2004 -
"Kontrola plodnosti zemljišta - supstrata u rasadnicima Republike Srpske" (2009)
P. Balotić, M. Kapović, "Kontrola plodnosti zemljišta - supstrata u rasadnicima Republike Srpske", Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banja Luci, No. 10, pp. 43 - 61, 2009