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"Suzana Gotovac Atlagić"
„Novi materijali i nanotehnologija“ (2012)
M. Ristić, M. Katić, S. Gotovac-Atlagić, V. Jokanović, S. Jokanović, N. Jović, V. Šamara, A. Stjepanović, F. Softić, S. Nikolić, R. H. Muller, „Novi materijali i nanotehnologija“, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2012 -
Electronic processes in organic electronics: Bridging electronic states and device (2014)
T. Fujimori, F. Khoerunnisa, T. Ohba, S. Gotovac Atlagić, H. Tanaka, K. Kaneko, Electronic processes in organic electronics: Bridging electronic states and device, Chiba University, 2014 -
Savremeno inženjerstvo materijala (Contemporary Material Engineering) (2021)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, Savremeno inženjerstvo materijala (Contemporary Material Engineering), Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, 2021 -
Phenol Adsorption from Dilute Aqueous Solutions by Carbons (2003)
E. Fernandez, S. Gotovac-Atlagić, D. Hugi-Cleary, V. López-Ramón, F. Stoeckli, Phenol Adsorption from Dilute Aqueous Solutions by Carbons, CHIMIA, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 616 - 618, 2003 -
Phenanthrene Adsorption from Solution on Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (2006)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, Y. Hattori, D. Noguchi, J. Miyamoto, M. Kanamaru, S. Utsumi, H. Kanoh, K. Kaneko, Phenanthrene Adsorption from Solution on Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, Vol. 110, No. 33, pp. 16219 - 16224, 2006 -
Adsorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on single wall carbon nanotubes of different functionalities and diameters (2007)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, C. Yang, Y. Hattori, K. Takahashi, H. Kanoh, K. Kaneko, Adsorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on single wall carbon nanotubes of different functionalities and diameters, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, Vol. 314, No. 1, pp. 18 - 24, 2007 -
Assembly structure control of single wall carbon nanotubes with liquid phase naphthalene adsorption (2007)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, S. Lei, H. Kanoh, K. Kaneko, Assembly structure control of single wall carbon nanotubes with liquid phase naphthalene adsorption, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, Vol. 300, No. 1, pp. 117 - 121, 2007 -
Pseudometallization of single wall carbon nanotube bundles with intercalation of naphthalene (2010)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, T. Hosokai, T. Ohba, Y. Ochiai, H. Kanoh, N. Ueno, K. Kaneko, Pseudometallization of single wall carbon nanotube bundles with intercalation of naphthalene, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 82, No. 7, pp. 075136-1 - 075136-6, 2010 -
Hematite Core Nanoparticles with Carbon Shell: Potential for Environmentally Friendly Production from Iron Mining Sludge (2016-02)
D. Stević, D. Mihajlović, R. Kukobat, Y. Hattori, K. Sagisaka, K. Kaneko, S. Gotovac-Atlagić, Hematite Core Nanoparticles with Carbon Shell: Potential for Environmentally Friendly Production from Iron Mining Sludge, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 1 - 7, Feb, 2016 -
Exposure to Non-ionizing Radiation of Area in Urban Zone of the Banja Luka City (2019-05)
Z. Popović, P. Ilić, R. Mirošljević, S. Gotovac-Atlagić, Exposure to Non-ionizing Radiation of Area in Urban Zone of the Banja Luka City, Technical Institute of Bijeljina, Archives for Technical Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 81 - 86, May, 2019 -
Effects of Meteorological Variables on Nitrogen Dioxide Variation (2019-05)
P. Ilić, Z. Popović, S. Gotovac-Atlagić, Effects of Meteorological Variables on Nitrogen Dioxide Variation, Technical Institute of Bijeljina, Archives for Technical Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 65 - 72, May, 2019 -
On the Investigation of Microstructured Charcoal as an ANFO Blasting Enhancer (2020-09)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, A. Biessikirski, Ł. Kuterasiński, M. Dworzak, M. Twardosz, N. Sorogas, J. Arvanitidis, On the Investigation of Microstructured Charcoal as an ANFO Blasting Enhancer, ENERGIES, Vol. 13, No. 18, pp. 4681-1 - 4681-13, Sep, 2020 -
Mechanical properties of new denture base material modified with gold nanoparticles (2021)
T. Adamović, V. Veselinović, N. Trtić, M. Hadži-Mihailović, S. Gotovac-Atlagić, M. Balaban, Y. Hattori, H. Sugiyama, A. Ivanič, R. Rudolf, Mechanical properties of new denture base material modified with gold nanoparticles, Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 155 - 161, 2021 -
Nitrate nitrogen and waters in Republic of Srpska (2013-12)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, Nitrate nitrogen and waters in Republic of Srpska, ISBN: 978-99938-846-6-8, pp. 59 - 68, Dec, 2013 -
„WHERE MICRO MEETS NANO posibilities for production of higly profitable nanomaterials in the small-scale industry in Bosnia and Herezgovina from domestic raw materials“ (2014-09)
S. Gotovac Atlagić, M. Ristić, O. Zrilić, S. Jelisić, „WHERE MICRO MEETS NANO posibilities for production of higly profitable nanomaterials in the small-scale industry in Bosnia and Herezgovina from domestic raw materials“, Proceedings, ISBN 978-99938-46-62-8, pp. 68 - 78, Sep, 2014 -
From Mud to Bud-Recovering Bosnian Forgoten Iron (2014-10)
S. Gotovac-Atlagić, M. Mionić Ebersold, J. Malina, From Mud to Bud-Recovering Bosnian Forgoten Iron, ISBN: 978-1-903958-49-0, Oct, 2014 -
“Precipitation of the Highly Crystalline Iron Nanoparticles from the Iron Mine Waste Water” (2014-11)
D. Stević, K. Kaneko, Y. Hattori, R. Kukobat, I. Šurlan, S. Gotovac Atlagić, “Precipitation of the Highly Crystalline Iron Nanoparticles from the Iron Mine Waste Water”, Proceedings from International Conference of Environmental Protection and Related Sciences Applicable in Environmental Protection, Nov, 2014 -
“Otpadni mulj rudnika željeza kao sirovina za inovativne materijale u nanonauci“ (2014-11)
S. Gligorić, M. Čađo, D. Stević, S. Gotovac Atlagić, “Otpadni mulj rudnika željeza kao sirovina za inovativne materijale u nanonauci“, Zbornik radova sa Naučno-stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem "Tehnološke Inovacije-Generator Privrednog razvoja", Privredna komora RS-Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije, Nov, 2014 -
“An Attempt to Obtain Medically Applicable Iron Nanoparticles from Iron Mine Waste Water" (2014-12)
S. Gotovac Atlagić, V. Pavlić, “An Attempt to Obtain Medically Applicable Iron Nanoparticles from Iron Mine Waste Water", ISBN: 978-99938-21-65-6 7th International scientific conference „Contemporary materials 2014, pp. 633 - 641, Dec, 2014 -
„Mining Hotspots-Potential in Expanding the Chemical and Physical Applications of Nanomaterials“ (2016-04)
S. Gotovac Atlagić, S. Vučenović, T. Nikolić, D. Stević, A. Tomić, „Mining Hotspots-Potential in Expanding the Chemical and Physical Applications of Nanomaterials“, ISBN 978-9958-785-38-2 Proceedings from 11th Scientific - Research Symposium with International Participation Metallic and Nonmetallic Materials production – properties – application, pp. 100 - 108, Apr, 2016