Structural bonding among the religious and ethnics as commonwealth goods within social fields of Protestantism
Structural bonding among the religious and ethnics as commonwealth goods within social fields of Protestantism
Пронађите сличне уносеConference Paper
Пронађите сличне уносе2020-09
Библиографски цитат
D. Mizdrak, Structural bonding among the religious and ethnics as commonwealth goods within social fields of Protestantism, Society and politics : book of abstracts / Scientific conference with international participation ; [edited by Ranka Perić Romić]. - Banja Luka : Faculty of political sciences, 2020 ([S. l. : s. n.]). - 74 str. ; 25 cm, pp. 16 - 16, Sep, 2020
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Први научни скуп са међународним учешћем под називом Друштво и политика на тему "Моћ, политика и друштвене науке" (Сто година након Макса Вебера)
Је дио
Пронађите сличне уносеSociety and politics : book of abstracts / Scientific conference with international participation ; [edited by Ranka Perić Romić]. - Banja Luka : Faculty of political sciences, 2020 ([S. l. : s. n.]). - 74 str. ; 25 cm
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Position: 97292 (34 views)