Structural bonding among the religious and ethnics as commonwealth goods within social fields of Protestantism
Structural bonding among the religious and ethnics as commonwealth goods within social fields of Protestantism
Pronađite slične unoseConference Paper
Pronađite slične unose2020-09
Bibliografski citat
D. Mizdrak, Structural bonding among the religious and ethnics as commonwealth goods within social fields of Protestantism, Society and politics : book of abstracts / Scientific conference with international participation ; [edited by Ranka Perić Romić]. - Banja Luka : Faculty of political sciences, 2020 ([S. l. : s. n.]). - 74 str. ; 25 cm, pp. 16 - 16, Sep, 2020
Početna stranica
Krajnja stranica
Prvi naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem pod nazivom Društvo i politika na temu "Moć, politika i društvene nauke" (Sto godina nakon Maksa Vebera)
Je dio
Society and politics : book of abstracts / Scientific conference with international participation ; [edited by Ranka Perić Romić]. - Banja Luka : Faculty of political sciences, 2020 ([S. l. : s. n.]). - 74 str. ; 25 cm
Lista autora
Position: 99466 (33 views)